For some, it's as easy, breezy and enjoyable as summer itself. For others, it's a very real struggle that takes months of physical (dieting) and emotional (self-pep talks) preparation. Yes my lady friends, I'm talking about swimsuit shopping. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with swimsuits. Usually the love part happens on Instagram or splashed across the pages of Vogue and the hate part comes in a cramped, overheated dressing room under some less-than-forgiving light. (The Shvitz is real). My ultimate goal at the end of this swimwear-search-snafu is to walk away with the perfect maillot, that will last me for years! (Or long enough for me to forget how much I LOAVTHE (love + loathe) this process).
That being said, whether it's an activity you look forward to every summer, (go girl!) or a necessary evil, I've rounded up some of my favorite Israeli-designed swim pieces just in time for the July 4th holiday that is sure to razzle, dazzle, pizzazz-le (another me-word, but it works, no?) and make you feel like the gorgeous, fun-loving, inside and outside woman you are-azzle.

Have a happy, enjoyable, sun-filled and safe 4th of July!