For those of you who don’t know, everyone in Israel is required to serve in the army when they turn 18 years old. Men serve for a minimum of three years and women, a minimum of two. No matter if you are famous, religious, super rich or whatever the case, if you are Israeli, you serve in the army. (Bar Rafaeli is another story). It’s the great equalizer of the country and it has integrated itself into every aspect of Israeli culture, including fashion.
MTKL Apparel was founded by Amnon Shenfeld and Ilan Missulawin, two former soldiers whose mission was to show the beauty and diversity of Israel. MTKL is short for Matkal, an acronym that refers to the General Staff Unit in the IDF. MTKL’s latest campaign features real female soldiers gracing the pages of the 2015 calendar. What’s better than hot, empowered Israeli soldierettes with guns and some wearing nothing but ammo belts? The fact that this campaign is to promote MTKL’s new unique line of clothing and accessories that fuses the best of military and street style into must-have urban fashion.

Here are the beautiful and strong soldiers who are gracing the 2015 calander:

This new clothing line is completely crowd-funded. So far, the duo has raised $3,174 and their goal is to reach $30,000. If you would like to donate (and get a sexy calendar while doing it) click here.
In no other country are women so beautiful, so empowered and so equal as in Israel.